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Purpose of the Finer English Free School

The purpose of The Finer English Free School Foundation e.V. is to provide learning opportunities to persons (regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin or religion) who otherwise would have few or no opportunities to receive an education. It's a non-profit-making organisation existing for the common good.

The focus of the learning opportunities are to promote:

This is to be achieved by providing:


Attendance of Free School classes and use of facilities is voluntary and free of charge for all persons unable to make a financial contribution.

Attendance is conditional upon adherence to the The Finer English Free School Foundation e.V.'s Code of Conduct. (This document details the standards of behaviour expected from all students, teaching staff, other employees and members of The Finer English Free School Foundation e.V.)

Maria Magdalena, our first literacy teacher, and Florangel, the school manager, making plans at the Escuela Caribe, March 2004.